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Outdoor Advertisement Design

Outdoor advertisement is a very popular form of advertising method for companies to deliver messages/ promote products. Outdoor advertisement mainly include transit advertising and billboard advertising.

A good advertisement should be short, simple and clear. Eye catching images and interesting headlines can draw readers' attention. We will offer various layouts and let you to decide the optimal template for advertisement.

  • Transit Advertisement

    Transit advertising is a text, graphics, or other visual information of advertising character, which is located inside or outside the vehicle, as well as special permanent or temporary structures located on the transport infrastructure and adjacent territories. It represents advertising information delivery channel with advantageously low selectivity acting on the various types of mass audience. It characterized by a wide coverage, mobility, relatively high levels of exposure.

  • Billboard Advertisement

    Billboards Advertisement are free to passers by – they don't have to buy a newspaper or a cinema ticket in order to view your message. With more commuters on the roads than ever before, billboard advertising allows you to reach more people faster and cheaper than any other mass marketing media.

Project Facts

Years of experience
Design Item Services
Design concepts
Professional Partner

Total Solution

We provide one-stop design services for our clients from offline to online design projects.

Our design team have wide range of design knowledge, and will work with our professional partner who are expert in different fields to provide total design solution to our clients.

  • Printing Design Items
  • Online Design Items
  • Exhibition and Event
  • Branding
  • Motion Graphic
  • More